Pastor's Column

                                                       Pastor Search Update

     Our pastor search team has been working closely with the candidate that they believe is the person we have been praying for! Currently, they are working to schedule a date for a call weekend, hopefully in early January. Typically, the search team and the deacons host the candidate and his/her spouse for a dinner on Friday evening. On Saturday, the staff and members of the congregation will have the opportunity to get to the know the candidate. On Sunday, the candidate will preach in worship. After worship, the church will go into a called business session to vote on extending a call to the candidate. The search team will let us know the dates of the call weekend just as soon as they are able. In the meantime, please continue to keep them and the candidate in your prayers!

                                                         Building for Hope

            The Building for Hope Initiative had a zoom orientation meeting in October for all churches participating in the program. SCC will be represented by the pastor and Jim and Carman Goben (thanks to Jim and Carman for answering the call to this important work). We will be forming a larger team that will work with Jim and Carman on this initiative early next year. If you would like to serve on this larger team, please let Tracy, Jim or Carman know. Pray for this team and this initiative that SCC will be better equipped to thrive in the days ahead!

These are exciting day in the life of our church. As always, I’m honored to be on the journey with you! Tracy

Archives for July 2019

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My Dear Friends, As August comes upon us, I am reminded of my last job in the Navy, that of compiling and editing a book of biographies of our Navy chaplains. Among the data that I compiled was the date of the marriage. I didn't do a thorough "count" for each month of the year, but it was soon evident to me that more weddings occurred in August than in the more traditiona...

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