August Blog

Change remains a constant here at SCC, as it does in churches everywhere these days. Some of our changes are joyful and others are harder. After a long search, we joyfully welcome Rebecca Padrick as our new church pianist, but soon we will bid goodbye to our beloved Mary Huber as she moves into retirement. Soon we will joyfully welcome baby James Wilson to the SCC family, even as we say goodbye to our college students and recent graduates as they depart to pursue higher education and careers. Please pray for each of these beloved members, and their families, as they navigate these important transitions.


August will also mark a significant shift in our pastor search process. The transition team will finish their work on the church and pastor profiles this month, and we will vote on the members of our Pastor Search Team. That team will train in early September and begin the search to identify our new pastor. Please continue to pray for this team as they begin their important work, and continue to pray for the person God has been preparing to come and serve and lead among us.


In the meantime, the nominating committee will soon begin their work of identifying those that

God is calling to serve in specific roles in the life of our church. Please be praying about how God might

be calling you to serve, and be open to saying “Yes!” when God calls.


As always, I’m on the journey with you, Tracy