January 2025 Blog

January 2025 Newsletter

     Thank you to everyone who helped make the Advent and Christmas season such a meaningful one here at SCC. I am grateful for all those who assisted with our lunch with Santa potluck and the reception after Lessons and Carols. Thank you to the choir, ringers, youth, and accompanists who led us for that special evening. I am grateful for our staff and worship leaders and all those who donated flowers to beautify our church during this holy season and for those who helped with the Historic Walking Tour. There are many thankful families in our community who received food and toys due to our ministry outreach. It has been a busy season of fellowship and ministry, thanks to all of you who contributed in so many ways!

                                                  Coming Up in January

Plan to join us in worship during January and February. Here is what’s coming up:

December 29th          Joe Simmons will be preaching, special Sunday of Giving 
January 5th                Deacon ordination, baptism, communion and Epiphany
January 12th             Baptism of the Lord and remembering our baptisms

                                                    Pastor Search Update

The Pastor Search Team is continuing to work with our candidate to set a call weekend. Thanks for your patience and continued prayers as they work through the holidays and coordinate busy schedules! In the meantime, I’m on the journey with you,
