January 2023

     Thank you, one and all, for the beautiful Advent and Christmas season here at SCC. I am grateful for all those who assisted with our Surviving the Holidays Grief Seminar and our Blue Christmas Service and with our potluck on December 11th. It was such a joy to return to an evening cantata and welcome 135 people for this special service of worship. Thank you to the choir, ringers, youth, children, and accompanists who led us and to everyone who helped with the reception after. I also appreciate all those who helped make the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day worship services so meaningful. I am also grateful to everyone who donated flowers to beautify our church during this holy season and those who donated generously to provide toys for children and who contributed to the Fire Relief Fund and Veterans of the Cross mission. It has been a busy season of fellowship and ministry!


Coming Up in January and February

 Plan to join us in worship during in January and February. Here is what’s coming up:

 January 1st - Joyce Trump will be preaching on hope for the New Year

January 8th - we will celebrate Deacon ordination, communion and Epiphany

January 15th –we will celebrate the baptism of the Lord and remembering our baptisms

January 22nd – we will begin a five-part series on the Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations: Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional Faith Development, Risk-taking mission and service, Extravagant generosity


Pastor Search Update 

The Pastor Search Team met twice in December and complete the initial calls to our pastoral candidates. They have scheduled the second round of interviews for the first weeks of January. Please continue to pray for the Search Team and for our next pastor, whoever he or she may be! We are continuing to trust that God is leading us every step of the way. Until this person answers God’s call to SCC, I’m on the journey with you, Tracy