


Our beautiful historic (and completely modernized) house of worship at 216 N. Main Street is a reflection of the vitality of our ministry as Christians and our vision to build lives for the generations that will follow us. Our founders’ vision over 160 years ago has forged our church into the 21st century as a strong community of believers worshiping and ministering in the heart of downtown Suffolk. We have been built by the faith of those who went before us. We have been restored in hope; a hope of dedicated service to God and others. We are challenged to give of ourselves in ministry and mission to others.

 Our Mission:

To go and make disciples of Jesus Christ by sharing God's grace, love, and forgiveness.

Our Vision:

We worship. We disciple. We serve.

The Organs and Pianos of Suffolk Christian Church

The church has several keyboard instruments. The chancel organ and grand piano are the principal instruments and are side-by-side in front of the choir in the sanctuary. Learn more

 Church Staff

Our staff is committed to excellent service for members, partners, friends, and visitors. Our church staff offers a variety of services to meet the needs of the congregation. View our staff here

The Six Cardinal Principles of the Christian Church

  • The Lord Jesus Christ as the only Head of the Church.
  • The name Christian to the exclusion of all party and sectarian names.
  • The Holy Bible, or the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament as our only creed, and sufficent rule of faith and practice.
  • Christian character, or vital piety, the only test of church fellowship and membership.r is a sufficient test of fellowship and of church membership.
  • The Right of private judgment, and the liberty of conscience, the privilege and duty of all.
  • The purpose of this church will be consummated in the reformation of the world and the union of all Christians. (The sixth principal was articulated in the early 20th century.)