April 2024 Blog
Pastor’s Column
I hope that you will invite friends and family and join us for Holy Week activities and our Easter Sunday service. We will host our Last Supper re-enactment Thursday night at 7:00, the youth will hold our annual Easter Vigil Saturday night at 8:00, and we will gather to celebrate the resurrection on Easter Sunday at 11:00 a.m. I am grateful to everyone who is working joyfully and diligently to make these meaningful times of worship in the life of our church.
Also, please mark your calendars for Tuesday April 9th and Wednesday April 10th. On Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. the deacons invite you to an open session in the West Memorial Classroom. If you have questions or concerns to share, they will be there to listen. Our semi-annual church conference will be at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday in West Memorial. Plan to attend to hear important reports and updates in the life of our church.
As most of you have heard by now, our promising pastoral candidate withdrew from consideration recently. Although we are disappointed, we continue to trust that God will bring us the right candidate at the right time. Please join me in continuing to pray for our Search Team and the person God is preparing to come to SCC. We are already in the process of reaching out to new candidates and will keep you posted on new developments.
In the meantime, I’m on the journey with you,