April Blog
I hope the Lenten season has been meaningful to you as we have journeyed through the wilderness together. I am grateful to Priscilla, Phoebe and the children as they have helped us create a path through the wilderness. I also hope that as individuals, and as a congregation, we have found God along the way. As we move into the Easter season, may we remember that God is ahead of us, preparing the way and leading us through this time of transition.
Please plan to join us as we move into Holy Week and Easter. We’ll begin Holy Week by resuming our Main Street Palm Sunday procession with our Main Street brothers and sisters. After worship, we’ll enjoy a pot-luck lunch on the grounds and an Easter egg hunt for our children. On Thursday evening we will experience one of the most meaningful services of the church year, the reenactment of the Lord’s Supper. On Saturday, the youth will lead us in our annual vigil. Then, of course, we will gather on Easter Sunday to celebrate the resurrection. Each service will give us a deeper understanding of who God is and who God is calling us to be as Christ followers. I look forward to seeing you there.
The Sunday after Easter, we’ll gather after worship for our third Town Hall Meeting. During this session, we’ll focus on Where We Are Now. Please sign up on the bulletin board outside the church office so that we have plenty of food. Thank you to everyone who has made the Town Hall meetings a priority, your investment will help SCC discern our future and thrive in it!
As we celebrate and navigate this important time in the life of the church, let’s continue to remember the challenges facing our wider world. Please continue to join in prayer for the people of Ukraine and those all of the world that face similar challenges. As always, let’s continue to be God’s hands and feet to a world in need!
On the journey with you, Tracy
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