September 2023 blog
It is hard to believe that summer is over! It will be good to have folks back in worship regularly as they return from much needed time away this summer, and we look forward to welcoming the choir back to lead us in worship! Here are some things that are happening in the life of SCC this month. Please join me in praying for these people and events and supporting them with your presence.
On Sunday, September 10th, we will have Sunday School promotion and the blessing of the backpacks. Students, bring your backpacks for a special time designed just for you! Please join in praying for our educators and students as they return to school. We will continue to look for ways that we can support our local schools in the year ahead.
On Monday, September 11, we will host our annual First Responder’s luncheon. This is a great way to honor our first responders, and it is an important community outreach for SCC. Please sign up on the bulletin board to bring food and to help out the day of the event.
If you have not bought your tickets yet, there is still time to support the CAPS BBQ fundraiser on September 17th. You may get your tickets from Priscilla or in the church office.
The fall book study also begins this month, please sign up on the bulletin board if you would like to purchase a book and attend the study.
This month marks one year since the Pastor Search committee began their work. They continue to seek the candidate that God has been preparing to come lead SCC into out next chapter of life and ministry. Please continue to pray for the search committee as they work on our behalf.
Finally, thank you to everyone who has taken time to review the draft of the Constitution and send your comments to our deacons. We will vote on the revised draft at our October business meeting.
As we enter this busy fall season, I remain grateful to everyone who works so joyfully and tirelessly to help SCC be a beacon on Main Street. Thank you to each of you and all of you for your service to Christ and the church.
It’s an honor to be on the journey with you, Tracy
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